Fun88 Casino
- Fun88 Casino launched in 2018
- 1071+ casino games
- Offers Mobile Games
- Players from Netherlands accepted
Play in Fun88 Casino on mobile, tablet
Mac or PC
Today you are going to learn everything about Fun88 casino online that you need to know before you place the first bet. The casino was founded in 2009, and it is owned by TGP Europe Ltd Casinos.
When it comes to licenses, this operator has them from eGambling Montenegro, UKGC, and also from Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission. The casino is available for all players in India, and below, you can see a complete review.
Pros and Cons of Fun88 Casino
- Pros
- App is available to Indian players
- Excellent Teen Patti offerings
- New players get a great bonus
- Two major licenses are present
- Cons
- User interface can be complicated to navigate
- Live chat is not available
- Hindi is not available here
- iOS app is not officially available
Bonuses and Promotions at Fun88 Online Casino
Fun88 India is one of those casinos where great bonuses are available. Thanks to this advantage, players can place more bets and play with more money that they can invest.
Welcome Bonus
All new players get a 400% match deposit bonus limited to 3000 INR. You can also complete the Fun88 app download process and claim the bonus using the app. The bonus is paired with 45 times wagering requirements, and it is valid for 30 days.
This means that if you deposit 700INR, you will end up with 3000INR on your balance to play games with.
Reload Bonus
An impressive part of our Fun88 review is the ability to mention the weekly reload bonus. It is available once per week, and a player can get a 5% match up to 75000 INR, which is massive.
To trigger the bonus, you will have to deposit 750 INR or more, which is the minimum deposit accepted at
Other Bonuses
The fun88 sports section is also available, and it comes with its own bonus. Here you can claim another 400% match deposit bonus up to 3000INR. The wagering requirement here is 28 times which is great. The bonus will be valid for 30 days, so you better use it during that time frame.
How To Sign Up To Fun88 Casino?
If you want to play games at Fun88 casino, you will need to create a new account. All of the steps you will have to take are explained below, so take your time and enter valid information.
- Join now Click on the join now button
- Enter details Create username and password
- Enter email Enter your email address
- Phone number Enter your telephone number
- Confirm Confirm and verify your account
Games Fun88 Gambling Site Offers
Once you are done with Fun88 login, you will see that the list of games is impressive. There are great names on the list of software developers, such as Pragmatic Play and Evolution Gaming.
Available Slots
After Fun88.login, you will probably want to play some slots. The casino is well-known or has an impressive list of slots you can find. Some of the most popular slots here include Moby Dick Slot, Caribbean Paradise, Call of the Colosseum, and more Just keep in mind that there are thousands of online slots.
Sports Betting
At the same time, you can bet on sports in the Fun88 betting section. Here you can find countless sports, such as football, basketball, tennis, and so much more. You can even get a specialized bonus for betting on sports.
A huge part of the section is devoted to Fun88 cricket which is compatible with the bonus you can claim for betting on sports. Some of the most impressive events in the whole of India are present here.
Table Games Provided
You can visit Fun88 download the app, and play many table games. Poker, blackjack, baccarat, craps, and Casino War are all available here. Players can enjoy American, European, and French versions of roulette.
Poker such as Caribbean poker, Texas Hold’em, and many more are also available. Yes, Pai Gow poker is also offered.
Live Dealer games
Fun88 Live is another section you can find at the casino. It means that the games are hosted by a professional dealer or a professional person who will help you with your betting.
In the section, players can find live variations of table games (poker, roulette, blackjack, and more) and also TV show games. Evolution Gaming is available here, so you may want to complete Fun88 sign up process and try these games.
Fun88: Mobile Version
As soon as the Fun88 login India focused process is done, players can continue playing using multiple devices. Yes, you can play using a smartphone. Users who want to use a web browser to play the games are welcome to do that. Most of the games will run perfectly, and you can register. Of course, you can also use the Fun88 Apk file and get an app.
The Fun88 app India is officially available on the casino page, and you can click on the tab, download the app and play the games. The app is available for all Android phones, even older devices.
Payment Methods for Deposits and Withdrawals
Now when you are done with the Fun88 India app download, or you use a PC, you can deposit funds and start gambling. There are multiple ways you can do that. Available deposit methods include Visa, Mastercard, Skrill, EcoPayz, UPI, Sticpay, and AstroPay. All deposits at Fun88 bet or casino section are instant and free of charge.
When it comes to withdrawals, you can use almost the same methods. Fun88 mobile version also allows you to withdraw funds using bank wire transfers, Skrill, cards, and some e-wallets.
The withdrawals will take 15 minutes when using an e-wallet but can last up to 3 days when using a card. Bank wire transfer will take a bit longer than that.
Security And Safety At Fun88 Casino
All we can say here is that the casino is extremely safe and legal. First of all, it uses SSL, which is mandatory. Then we can see multiple licenses from eGambling Montenegro, UKGC, and also from Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission.
At the same time, we can see that there is a proper Fun88 affiliate section, and the games come from well-known software developers who have been powerful in countless other casinos in India.
Is Fun88 Available To Indians?
Yes, the casino is available in the whole of India, and you can play games here. You can play over the phone, or you can use a computer.
As a matter of fact, this casino has a special version (the one we have been reviewing) that is optimized only for the Indian market. You can even see a bit special Fun88 logo.
Responsible Gambling At Fun88 Casino
Responsible gambling at this casino is promoted and supported. For instance, you can contact customer support and ask them to help you with your gambling issues. They can even block your account if that is mandatory, or they can direct you to the nearest treatment facility. At the same time, players can learn the basics of responsible gambling at the official site of the casino.
Fun88: Customer Support
There is a Fun88 customer care number you can use to get help in a minute if you like. The telephone number is +91 22 5032 3347. Keep in mind that WhatsApp telephone number is available as well, and it is +46140760800.
The live chat here is not available, which can be a downside for some players. This means that the only way you can get help is to send them an email or call them. The email address is [email protected].
Fun88 Casino: Verdict
From Fun88 India legal aspects, this is a great casino. It has dedicated games to Indian players and supports local sports betting. When it comes to bonuses, it is an even better option considering how much free money you can get. The casino offers fair games, and it is a well-known name in the industry. All of this means that if you want to play here, register or use Fun88 referral code and start gambling.
Is Fun88 casino legal?
- Yes, the casino is legal, and it comes with multiple licenses which prove the claim. It also has been in the business for years, which is a good thing. There is no negative feedback some of the players have reported.
Which games are available at Fun88 casino?
- You can find countless lost, play table games and live games. You can also find specific games such as Lotteries, Bingo, and many more. The selection of games is impressive.
Is sports betting at Fun88 casino available?
- Yes, you can bet on sports if you like. Keep in mind that all the sports are available in the sportsbook section, and you can get special bonuses just for these games.
Is the app for Fun88 casino available?
- Yes, the app is available for all Android smartphones. You can get the app from the official website, install it and use it immediately. Most games will run perfectly within the app.
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